Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Multi-Cultural" Views

Everyone has their "culture" and has their own point of views about other cultures. America and its schools have become so diverse with different cultures, beliefs, and etc. The issue is that many people are not wanting to take the time to learn about other cultures and respect them. Many people are afraid of the "unknown" and that puts fear into them that leads to wide, confused, and closed minded views of other cultures. But there are also the people that believe their culture is superior to others and this too creates the clash of cultures in America.

I am aware that America is the LAND OF THE FREE and our Constitution allows us the freedom of speech and to choose whatever we would like to believe. But what happened to equality and respect. It all goes back to why can't we just get along. Or what about "you don't have to like me but you should respect me". It is scary to think that America and its schools can not unite and celebrate all cultures.Or is that asking for too much? Should schools just learn to respect other cultures but not even think about embracing them? Or are we embracing on culture more than the other?

I don't know if there is one correct answer because everyone is going to have their point of view. Therefore, as educators we should find a balance in the classroom and learn about all cultures and compare and contrast them to our own. This allows students to embrace their culture and view similarities in others. Also in history an educator can balance different views of a certian era like the Civil War by discussing all the views of each culture it affected.

In my second year of teaching I have really noticed the students value their culture to the highest point and do embrace somewhta of other students' culture. There are still a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes, but that is where I fall under to ensure that stops or never begins. In a diverse school where about half of the school is ELL or have been an ELL student it is very important to expose the students other cultures.

I believe that the more you know about a person's culture you learn to respect them more, and find similarities in each others' cultures. In the end we are all human beings and that alone is one similarity like it or not that we all have.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your emphasis on our similarities. It is true that in the end our humanness is what binds us together, yet too often serves to drive us apart. Well said.
