Monday, June 28, 2010

Reading Instruction and the ESL Student

Teaching Reading has always been for me the most challenging. The preparation for differentiated instruction for regular and ESL students can be very stressful. That's why I was so blessed to have such great support from my literacy coach. She was always giving me advice on how to choose certain reading materials for my instruction. When I would plan my reading lessons I would take certain factors into consideration like: reading level, subject matter, purpose of reading (fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, etc.), and high interest for my students. These are just a few factors I would take into consideration for Reading insturction.
I feel that as teachers, yes we need to focus on what the student needs help or more practice on, but we need to keep them interested and ensure it is on their reading level. Sometimes I would get so excited on what I believed they would enjoy and sometimes they did enjoy but at times they didn't. Therefore, I returned to their reading interest inventory I had them fill out and started from there. After long planning and practice I was able to fill more comfortable with selecting and evaluating reading instruction materials.
I am a firm believer that Reading is the foundation to learning. Therefore, I am constantly promoting literacy in all my students especially my ESL students. I feel that sometimes ESL students don't have the support at home for reading so the students are only reading at school or when I assign it. There may be many reasons for why there isn't much literacy in a students environment, but I try to share new books, have them pick out items for me to order from a book order, or make continous trips to the school library to ensure they stay motivated to read. I also allow students to make an oral book report to the class so that others students feel the "trend" of reading.
A lot of times I don't even have to promote reading because my bookworms are always discussing their readings that the other studnets want to do the same. But I beleive that there are many different ways to promote literacy and a lot will have to do with the types of ESL students you have. But simple promotions like reading books yourself or book fairs at the school are always a great starting place.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Teaching ESL

As a young girl I knew I always had a special interest in teaching others. I was always the sibling that everyone knew they could approach and ask for help with their homework. My parents were both from Mexico and knew a little bit of English, therefore I was the home teacher.
Whether it was helping my siblings with their homework or teaching my parents English, I feel like I was destined to teach all different kinds of students. This of course would include teaching ESL students.
My own personal experience as an ESL student truly helps me with teaching English and I am constantly searching for new innovative ways to teach it. As a teacher I know the importance of learning the foundations of any subject. That is the same approach I take with teaching English. I put myself in the students' positions and connect with them to ease their new journey into a new language and culture.
Teaching English is like a work of art because one begins with one view in their mind, but it changes as one continues working on the artwork. I believe teaching English is the same because we all start out with a plan and continously adjust and modify to the students we receive. It is a beautiful masterpiece once we see the final artwork, which is seeing our ESL students become fluent with their new L2. The process is a challenge and can seem endless at times, but eventually all the hard work and hours put in are rewarded.
All the research, old and new methods, and strategies are our supplies (resources) we all need to be successful in teaching English. All students learn differently therefore we all know that not all methods or strategies will work for every student. With new learners comes new ways of teaching English, thus it is important to maintain an open mind on how to teach English.
So as cliche' as I may sound, I truly believe teaching is the the most rewarding career, and teaching English just adds the cherry on top!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I just finished my first year of teaching at a highly populated school with ELLs. I taught fifth grade and an all boys class. Yeah I know....a challenge but wouldn't take it back for the world. I learned so much about second language acquisition in my first year of teaching that it finally helped me decide what I wanted to study in my master's program.

This is my second class I am taking for C&I/ELL specialized track and I am really enjoying coming back to school. I took SPSE 6820 with Dr. Craig in the Maymester. It was crazy fast but I honestly learned so much and enjoyed creating my wiki.

I look forward to working with you all and seeing all your wikis and blogs!