Monday, June 14, 2010

Teaching ESL

As a young girl I knew I always had a special interest in teaching others. I was always the sibling that everyone knew they could approach and ask for help with their homework. My parents were both from Mexico and knew a little bit of English, therefore I was the home teacher.
Whether it was helping my siblings with their homework or teaching my parents English, I feel like I was destined to teach all different kinds of students. This of course would include teaching ESL students.
My own personal experience as an ESL student truly helps me with teaching English and I am constantly searching for new innovative ways to teach it. As a teacher I know the importance of learning the foundations of any subject. That is the same approach I take with teaching English. I put myself in the students' positions and connect with them to ease their new journey into a new language and culture.
Teaching English is like a work of art because one begins with one view in their mind, but it changes as one continues working on the artwork. I believe teaching English is the same because we all start out with a plan and continously adjust and modify to the students we receive. It is a beautiful masterpiece once we see the final artwork, which is seeing our ESL students become fluent with their new L2. The process is a challenge and can seem endless at times, but eventually all the hard work and hours put in are rewarded.
All the research, old and new methods, and strategies are our supplies (resources) we all need to be successful in teaching English. All students learn differently therefore we all know that not all methods or strategies will work for every student. With new learners comes new ways of teaching English, thus it is important to maintain an open mind on how to teach English.
So as cliche' as I may sound, I truly believe teaching is the the most rewarding career, and teaching English just adds the cherry on top!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Becky

    I feel as though our childhoods were so very similar. I have two brothers and two sisters and also grew up with many cousins (one family with 7 and the other with 4). I always was the one who gathered all of the kids on holidays and "entertained" them with my "teaching skills." So...I know exactly what you are saying. Also, I love your statement about how teaching English is an art. That is exactly what pedagogy is!
